For simple searching, the palm leaf bundles are categorised and thumb-indexed in the library. Finding a specific leaf is a challenging and time-consuming process because the reader must read a statement from the first leaf and confirm its veracity. The Rishis stress the need for the native to be freed from the negative effects of their previous birth sins, and they recommend and discuss the effectiveness of certain pariharas (remedies). The Rishi guarantees that the occurrence of the events he has predicted if these remedies are applied wholeheartedly.

Procedure for selecting and reading Shiva Nadis

The procedure for selecting and reading Shiva Nadis is to contact the center by phone or in person or by post to confirm the date. On the date of appointment, a right hand or left hand thumb impression should be given to the center to trace the client’s identity details or bundles containing the thumbprint. Each bundle can contain predictions related to hundreds of individuals, and the original palm leaves are destroyed by adding them to the river Cauvery.

We keep a note book of the original Tamil predictions made in the Nadi and give it to clients. The selection of the specific leaf associated with a person is a laborious process that occasionally takes two to three hours, while other times, customers are fortunate to get it within five or six leaves. Each leaf describing a person includes information about that person. If the details do not entirely agree, the client must confirm or deny the facts while reading from the leaves but should not reveal the truth beforehand

To those who have not yet received their leaves, we typically deliver fresh bundles from our headquarters while recording the original Tamil calculation in a notebook. The original predictions are then written down in a notebook and translated into Hindi or English or the language they ask, before being given to clients.

Common Ganda predictions

The Sukhshmanadi predictions, the General Kanda, the planetary positions of the nine planets, the current kosara position of the planets. And the Pariharas, or corrective actions to get rid of doshas or sins, are the most crucial details in Nadi astrology. These prophecies are broken down into three years of events and cover all twelve sins from the moment the leaf is found until the end of his life.