The ancient Indian rishis used their minds to create many arts and sciences for the benefit of future generations. Astrology has many branches, such as casting and reading horoscopes based on planet positions at the time of birth and planet movement through the zodiac. Other disciplines include palmistry, numerology, and pulse reading.
What is nadi?
Rishis are holy sages who devote their lives to focusing on the One Divine Supreme Being and have foresight into the future. Predictions are only given to those who know that the rishis will come forward to study them without their knowledge.
The King of Tanjore, a real benefactor of the arts and sciences. It discovered a reserve for these plum leaves in his palace library and, with the aid of experts, translated it into prehistoric Tamil. It is untrue that rishis wrote
on the palm fronds our ancestors left us during the British occupation.
The most crucial information is that each person is identified by giving information about their date of birth. Then the planetary positions at the time of birth, their parents, the names of their immediate family members, their life stage, and their marital status. To make searching easier, the palm leaf bundles are categorised and indexed in the library by thumb index. The events between the date of birth and the date of study, which is not in the leaf are referred to as the past tense.
Strategy to nadi reading
Finding a specific leaf is a challenging and time-consuming process because the reader must read a statement from the first leaf and confirm its veracity. The native should pay close attention to the reading and give an accurate response. Additionally, the general kandham, which indicates the native lagna. It should be given brief predictions of the remaining 12 houses of the horoscope.
The rishis recommend and outline the effectiveness of specific pariharas in order to receive the positive effects of this holy script (remedies). The Rishi guarantees that the occurrence of the events he has predicted if these remedies are applied wholeheartedly. Serving three generations, this office has been in operation for 80 years. Although it does not have any branch offices throughout India, many well-known individuals were astounded when the predictions made by this office came true in their own lives.
Shiva Nadi Reading and Interpretation
The astrological and other terms used in Shiva Nadi’s predictions are symbolically expressed in Tamil poetry. And are not typically understood by educated Tamils. Teachers have a difficult task ahead of them: explaining the many predictions connected to modern changes. Customers should consider their educational background, social status, financial situation, positions, and other factors. In order to provide the most accurate interpretation of the aforementioned words.
The centre of Gurgaon has seen concrete examples of the difficulty in understanding the words. Only the customer can determine the appropriate profession, and the banking industry benefits the customer. Forecasts also refer to research studies, and a case-by-case analysis is used to determine eligibility for higher education. Since there are many different types of businesses, the correct occupation must be deduced from the broad prediction.
The most crucial information is that, depending on gender, the thumbprint from the right or left hand should be placed in the centre. And that bundles made up of thumbprints can hold predictions for hundreds of different people. By adding the leaves to the river Cauvery, the original palm leaves are destroyed. But the original Tamil prophecies made in the Nadi can be translated into any other language the speaker chooses. While reading from the leaves, the client must confirm or deny the facts; however, they must not reveal the truth beforehand. The Sukhshmanadi predictions, which are symbolic and contain comprehensive. And exact forecasts of the client’s leaf from the time it is discovered to the end, are the most significant details in Nadi astrology.
Common Ganda Predictions
The planetary positions of the nine planets are deciphered. And the horoscope’s specifics are calculated and written down in the notebook. Kandam is suggested for peace and initiation after discussing the planets’ current kosara positions.