Guruji.D.Sivasundhar (Astrology)
Welcome to Sri Agasthiya Mahasiva Nadi Astrology Center. Nadi Astrology is nothing but a way to know the present and future of the individuals from the ancient palm leave records, composed by some enlightened saints of the dead past through their insight and spiritual wisdom. Just to help their posterity, they effaced their lives and those records are being preserved in the repository of this Astrological House. It is considered to be a divine dispensation despite the various modes of astrological systems exist and still in vogue, such as palmistry, numerology, natal-Vedic astrology and attempting to know the future through trained birds, rats etc. Nearly 2000 years ago, the great sages of yore, through sheer intuition understood medicines, engineering, astronomy, astrology and several other branches of basic human knowledge and transcribed them on palm leaves and wooden plates. We can assert authoritatively that all the advancements in the streams of science and technology, owe their origin to these very great ancient works. These days we hear about people with powers of extra sensory perceptions. The Rishis were holy sages and enlightened saints, who occupied themselves in concentrating on the one “DIVINE BEING PARAMATHMA”. They far exceeded the powers of ESP people. More than that, they were able to know the future by their foresight. With this foresight; the Rishis like Agastya, Koushika, Vasista, Maha siva Vakkiya, Kaha bhujanda, Bogar, Valmiki, Atri, Brigu, Sukar and etc. have given predictions for the well being of the mankind that occupies this world. Let us take for instance any particular moment of a day; many lives are born in this world; human lives, plants, worms, animals etc. The Rishis and siddhas have ignored the later and confined their predictions only to human beings and that is too only to the destined and not for all the humans emerge on this earth. Predictions are given only for such of those persons, who the Rishis out of their wisdom envisaged, will come forward to obtain these predictions through this holy script. The exact age in which each such person, will come for obtaining these predictions, has also been inscribed on the palm leaves by the Rishis and siddhas.The predictions were inscribed.